Stream Box
Информация о Персонаже Сервер x10 Nova
Основная Информация
Имя XopBaT
Класс GrM
Ресет 14
Уровень(ML) 400(200)
Квест 127
Статус OFF

Strength 300
Agility 3500
Vitality 500
Energy 5413


Excellent Socket Tigris Pants

Can be equipped by RF
Durability: 115

Damage Decrease +4%

Empty socket slot
Empty socket slot
Empty socket slot
Empty socket slot
Empty socket slot

[Anc] Anubis Ring of Fire

Durability: 70

Add Vitality +5

Ancient options:

Double Damage Rate + 10%
Increase Max Mana + 50
Increase Wizardry Damage + 10%
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Critical Damage + 20
Increase Excellent Damage + 20

Set items:

Legendary Helm
Legendary Armor
Legendary Gloves
Ring of Fire

Jewel of Luck

Durability: 1

Jewel of Luck

Durability: 1

Jewel of Excellent

Durability: 1

Excellent Pendant of Lighting

Durability: 64

Excellent Damage rate +10%

Excellent Great Reign Crossbow +13 +Skill

Can be equipped by ELF
Durability: 127

+ Skill

Excellent Damage rate +10%
Increase Damaage +level/20
Obtains (Life/12) when monster is killed

Excellent Book of Lagle +13 +Skill

Can be equipped by SUM
Durability: 97

+ Skill

Increase Wizardry Dmg +level/20
Increase Wizardry Dmg +2%
Obtains (Mana/12) when monster is killed

Excellent Lord Scepter +13 +Skill

Can be equipped by DL
Durability: 119

+ Skill

Increase Damaage +level/20
Increases Attacking(Wizardry)speed +7
Obtains (Mana/12) when monster is killed

Excellent Lord Scepter +13 +Skill

Can be equipped by DL
Durability: 119

+ Skill

Excellent Damage rate +10%
Increase Damaage +level/20
Increases Attacking(Wizardry)speed +7

Excellent Socket Frost Lord Pants +9 +Luck

Can be equipped by DL
Durability: 129

+ Luck

Increase Max HP +4%
Increase Max Mana +4%
Damage Decrease +4%

Empty socket slot

Spirit of Dark Horse

Can be equipped by DL
Durability: 0

Excellent Spirit Boots

Can be equipped by ELF
Durability: 53

Increases the amount of drop Zen +30%

Jewel of Chaos Bundle +2

Durability: 2

Jewel of Chaos Bundle +2

Durability: 2

Excellent Pad Helm +9 +Luck

Can be equipped by DW
Durability: 57

Additional Defense +8
+ Luck

Increases the amount of drop Zen +30%

Excellent Wings of Soul +7

Can be equipped by SM
Durability: 210

Ignor opponents defensive power by 3%

Grand Viper Staff +15 +Luck

Can be equipped by SM
Durability: 147

Additional Wizardry Dmg +16
+ Luck

Attack success rate increase(PVP) +5

Excellent Pendant of Water

Durability: 65

Excellent Damage rate +10%

Excellent Bone Armor +Luck

Can be equipped by DW
Can be equipped by MG
Durability: 45

Additional Defense +12
+ Luck

Increases the amount of drop Zen +30%

Excellent Buckler +11 +Luck +Skill

Can be equipped by DK
Can be equipped by DW
Can be equipped by ELF
Can be equipped by MG
Can be equipped by DL
Durability: 60

Additional Defense Rate +5
+ Skill
+ Luck

Increases the amount of drop Zen +30%

Excellent Pad Gloves +9 +Luck

Can be equipped by DW
Can be equipped by MG
Durability: 57

Additional Defense +4
+ Luck

Increases the amount of drop Zen +30%

Ring of Wind +1

Durability: 51

Automatic HP recovery 3%

Excellent Pad Pants +9

Can be equipped by DW
Can be equipped by MG
Durability: 57

Increases the amount of drop Zen +30%

Excellent Ring of Magic

Durability: 65

Increases the amount of drop Zen +30%

Excellent Pad Boots +4 +Luck

Can be equipped by DW
Can be equipped by MG
Durability: 47

Additional Defense +4
+ Luck

Increases the amount of drop Zen +30%